Wishful Wednesday: Riffa Views International School

Manama, Bahrain skyline at night photo cred https://www.flickr.com/photos/philippeleroyer/3044028339

Manama, Bahrain skyline at night photo cred 

I once answered some questions about life in Venezuela for a guy who worked at this school (Jared maybe?), but other than that one time, I had never really heard of Bahrain.  I remember him being very happy with his school and thinking that Venezuela didn’t measure up. I’ve poked around online and I’ve heard good things about Bahrain. Let’s see how Riffa Views measures up using my rubric!

I give this school a  10/10! 

1. What type of school is it?

Non-profit, US accredited, IB diploma offered in high school

2. Student population:

According to the RVIS website there are 350 students from 22 different countries. Very diverse!

3. Class size:

Class size is not listed anywhere that I can see on the website, but I did find this pdf that details the ratios for various age ranges. It seems from this page on the RVIS website, that the average class size is about 22 students (not too bad), with some classes have two teachers, others sharing an assistant, and still others having only one adult in the room.

4. Technology:

I was very happy to read that this school has a strong technology program! On this website it describes a fantastic technology program, ”

Our one-to-one laptop program commences at first grade. All students in grades 1-5 have access to thin-client laptops in every classroom. All students in Middle School are issued a personal Dell laptop and carrying case for 24/7 access. There is a Smart Board and LCD projector in every classroom. Additionally, each classroom has access to a scanner and a printer. Teachers have the help of a technology coach to design lessons that are technology enhanced.”

1-1 laptops AND a Smart Board. I still haven’t been at a school where elementary teachers have easy access to Smart Boards! Fantastic!

5. Retirement:

This school contributes 10% toward retirement if the employee puts in 5%. Pretty good!

6. Overall package:

This school has a pretty nice package! While they don’t list their pay scale on their website (bummer), on this website it says that pay is between $30-65k for newly hired teachers! It also says that the average teacher can save $25K per year. Wow! One thing that bothers me (especially without being able to see the pay scale) is that, “A new employee is given credit for one step on the Salary Schedule for each two years of prior teaching experience…” Normally you get credit for each year of teaching. There is also a Foreign Service Premium (FSP) which is 25% of the base salary, an end of service bonus (15 days to 1 month of pay), housing (villas in this case), utilities, annual airfare, shipping allowance (including an allowance at the end of service), relocation allowance, 50% medical and dental covered by employer. This school is one of the few that pay into US Social Security and Medicare which means that there are some small monthly deductions. Also $2000 every two years for professional development! Whew! Good deal!

7. City Profile:

The school website says that the school is about 20 miles outside of the capital and that, “The Kingdom of Bahrain (Bahrain) is a small island (727 sq. km, 274 sq. mi.) located in the Arabian Gulf (GMT+3) and the capital is Manama.” The school and teachers’ housing is on a professional golf course which features a gym and a large pool! Faaahhhnnncccyy dahling! According to the RVIS website Bahrain is, “… home to the region’s biggest and most luxurious spa, the Banyan Tree Spa Al Areen. Bahrain has restaurants, expatriate clubs, pubs, sporting clubs, and movie theaters.” It is also known for water sports and for being one of the more liberal areas in the Middle East.

8. Salsa Dancing:

It doesn’t look like there is a huge salsa scene in Bahrain, but this FB group has an event every Friday. This FB group lists at least two events every week! I can work with that!

9. Teachers:

The faculty descriptions on the RVIS website are very thorough! It looks like the teachers at RVIS come from a variety of backgrounds. Also, this page, describes everyone as being very friendly and open which is great since everyone lives on the same street!

10. Food:

Like many countries in the middle east it can be slightly challenging to get pork products, though it is not as difficult to find them here as it is in other Gulf countries, but other than that, you can find EVERYTHING! It is an island so seafood is also very popular. Also, if you are a non-Muslim it is said that alcohol is widely available so you can still have your wine with your dinner! AND coffee and hummus are very popular here. It sounds like a good place to me!

Please comment! Have you been to Bahrain? Would you want to work there? Have you or someone you know worked at Riffa Views International School? Can you add any info to what I’ve listed above? 

6 responses to “Wishful Wednesday: Riffa Views International School

  1. Pingback: Bahrain Bound | Teaching Wanderlust·

  2. Hi Amanda! I have been to Bahrain so many times!!! My friends and I used to go there from Saudi in order to go to dinner, to spas or grocery shopping. It did not take us long to discover one of the most sublime places I know on earth which is La Fontaine spa/art gallery/French restaurant and yoga/pilates center. It was inherited by the princess Fatima who converted it (with help by a French architect) into something of a wonder. You must go there!!! They often have events too. It is the one place I will miss the most being out of the Middle East. La Domaine hotel has a wonderful spa (ask for Nitin and tell him Valerie from Abqaiq SA sent you) and the Sofitel was our favorite hotel hands down with lovely spa and gym on the water. I think it’s worth it just to go there to see the decor as you will be living there and won’t need to stay at hotels. Well anyway, you have chosen so well! I am heading to Chile with a friend in January and we’ll be staying with Chileans but any insider tips would be welcome. 🙂
    P.s. I did contact the Vice superintendent over at Aramco to ask him to try and recruit you! 🙂 Not sure if you interviewed with them. All the best to you, Amanda!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, Valerie. Thanks for the comment full of such great info! I will be sure to check out that yoga place you mentioned because it sounds fantastic. Also, I’m excited to try out that spa you mentioned!

    I’m afraid that you will be going to Chile before me so I don’t have any tips to offer (other than the people I’ve talked to said to always order the set menu at lunch to save money). I will go to Santiago and Valparaiso in April for Spring Break (Semana Santa). I’m still figuring out my itinerary and other details, though.

    I did not hear from Aramco, but perhaps that is because I said I wouldn’t be attending any job fairs this time around. Maybe in a few years I will be looking again and I can finally interview with them.


    • You are welcome, Amanda. You put out such good energy so I know you’ll enjoy wherever you may go. Will keep you posted of any further connections. All the best to you,


  4. Pingback: Wow! Where Did The Time Go? | Teaching Wanderlust·

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